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Results 91 to 120 of 294 for "parity of pay"

Professorial Pay Scale  22 Zone 3 £126,516 21 £120,492 ...

Professorial Pay Scale. 22. Zone 3. £126,516. 21. £120,492. 20. £114,754. ... 1. £61,818. Professorial Pay Scale. 22. Zone 3. £126,516. 21. £120,492.

Problem view ing? Click t o view online September ...

Public finance and public fund impacts.  EEA migrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits.


University of Leeds Single Pay Spine and Grading Structure to 22/23. ... These have increased by a higher percentage. University of Leeds Single Pay Spine and Grading Structure to 22/23.


University of Leeds Single Pay Spine and Grading Structure to 22/23. ... These have increased by a higher percentage. University of Leeds Single Pay Spine and Grading Structure to 22/23.

Policy on Health and Safety Risk Assessment for New or Expectant Mothers

from work on full pay. ... besuspended from work on full pay, for so long as is necessary to avoid the risks.

PGR terms and conditions of engagement_Jul13

Holiday entitlement and pay The holiday year is 1 October to 30 September. ... Holiday pay is calculated on a maximum number of 35 hours per week.

PGR Teaching Engagement Framework_Sep14

introduction to teaching will be. paid at the rate of pay for module assistant A. ... rate of pay, the number of hours holiday pay and the terms and conditions of.

PGR RD Module Assistant B_Aug14

Role: Module Assistant B Faculty/School: UoL Spine point: 231 Responsible to: Dean of Faculty/Head of School Reports to: Module Leader General Postgraduate ... 1 Calculation of hourly rate of pay based on 35 hours per week

PGR RD Module Assistant A_Aug14

Role: Module Assistant A Faculty/School: UoL Spinal point: 171 Responsible to: Dean of Faculty/Head of School Reports to: Module Leader General Postgraduate ... 1 Calculation of hourly rate of pay based on 35 hours per week

Pensions_PAS_CARE_booklet_march 16-amending

How much does the University pay? The University pays the rest of the cost of providing your benefits. ... Information that is non-sensitive includes your dateof birth, address and pay details.

Pensions_PAS_CARE_booklet_march 16-amending

How much does the University pay? The University pays the rest of the cost of providing your benefits. ... Information that is non-sensitive includes your dateof birth, address and pay details.

Pensions - state pension changes 2016_Feb16

Schemes above, you pay a lower rate of NI because. you are contracted out of the additional state.

Pensions - State pension & NI changes FAQ_Feb16

Employees who are not members of a contracted-out defined benefitscheme pay standard rate NI are usually category A. ... By switching the calculation between these twocategories anyone can estimate what the impact will be on their take home pay using the

Pension Arrangements

I understand that if I am eligible for Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) I will continue to make pension contributions during my paid leave. ... g) I confirm that the following address should be used to send pay advices etc after my leave has begun:.

Pension Arrangements

I understand that if I am eligible for Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) I will continue to make pension contributions during my paid leave. ... g) I confirm that the following address should be used to send pay advices etc after my leave has begun:.

Pay Advice Slip

This is so payroll can work out how much tax and national insurance you need to pay.. ... Monthly. USSNS+. 2876.66. 189.9-. TAX. NIConEE. 223.91. 121.79. TOTAL GROSS PAY.