Staff being bullied, harassed or victimised by another member of staff
If you believe you're being bullied,
Step 1
If this is a person who has management responsibility for you, consider whether this behaviour could be standard management practice. Section 6.1 of the policy might help you to differentiate.
Step 2
If your colleague's behaviour isn't standard management/learning and teaching practice, would you feel comfortable trying to resolve the issue informally? Section 7a of the policy will give you some ideas on how to go about this.
Step 3
If you don't feel you can resolve the issue informally, or you've already tried and this didn't work, would you consider mediation? The University's Mediation Service could help you, and section 7b of the policy goes into more detail.
Step 4
If you're not comfortable trying mediation, or it hasn't resolved the issue, the next step is to submit an informal complaint. Section 7c of the
Step 5
If your informal complaint hasn't resolved the issue, the final step in the process is to submit a formal complaint through the University's grievance procedures. Section 7d of the policy advises how to go about this.
If you need help, support, advice or clarification throughout any of the process, please don't hesitate to contact your Faculty/Service HR department.