Reward and recognition - guidance for managers
Senior managers should be responsible for recognising and rewarding their staff appropriately, with the support of their HR Manager, using one of the University's reward and recognition options.
HR Managers will discuss with Heads of School/Service (and other appropriate senior managers) every individual's contribution to determine where recommendations should be made. You can download the reward and recognition policy below and the options available are:
Recognition Scheme
The Recognition Scheme is open on an ongoing basis and has two separate options within it to recognise exceptional contribution (in addition to normal expressions of thanks and appreciation). The two options are:
- Option 1: Vouchers for individuals, or allowances for team meals/activities. We've made an agreement with Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to make these awards via our online Recognition Awards Portal (RAP), which means that our employees won't make tax and national insurance contributions on the value of the award. You can download guidance on how to use the RAP below. Please be aware that approval structures have been agreed by Faculties and Services and not all those with line management responsibilities are a nominated proposer for their area. If you are not a nominated proposer for your area and wish to submit a recommendation, please contact your local Faculty/Service HR team or the Reward Team who will be able to advise you on who this is. Awards can only be made to staff who have an active employee record and awards must be redeemed in full whilst a member of staff is employed by the University.
- Option 2: One-off payments. These awards are made through the University payroll and are subject to employee tax and national insurance contributions. You can download the recommendation form below.
If you have any queries, please contact your local Faculty/Service HR team.
Reward Scheme
The Reward Scheme is an annual process allowing you to:
- recommend an additional scale increment (ASI). These are typically used where someone has contributed more than would normally be expected, and this level of contribution is expected to continue. Our normal annual increments are intended to recognise greater contribution as a result of greater experience, so any recommendation for an ASI should reflect how these normal expectations have been exceeded.
- recommend a discretionary increment (DI). These are used when someone has reached the top of the grade and they are making an ongoing exceptional contribution.
Note: Our Reward and Recognition policy is for employees on grades two to nine, as well as clinical academic staff who are below consultant level (with the exception of clinical academic doctors and dentists in training who are not eligible for ASIs and DIs). Grade 10 members of staff should apply for an award through the annual professorial and senior staff salary review process.
The Recognition awards portal manager’s guidance can be viewed here.