Reward and recognition

Our Reward and Recognition policy is for employees on grades 2 to 9, as well as clinical academic staff who are below consultant level (with the exception of clinical academic doctors and dentists in training, who are not eligible for additional or discretionary increments).

In line with the pay framework agreement between the University and our campus trades unions in August 2024, the focus for 2024/25 is to deliver two phases of improvements to the pay and grading structure. The process for considering additional scale increments and discretionary increments is being reviewed and a new scheme will be launched in Autumn 2025.

If you have any queries, please contact your local Faculty/Service HR team.

There are two schemes within the policy, which you can download below.

1. The Recognition Scheme is open throughout the year and has two options within it to recognise exceptional contribution (in additional to normal expressions of thanks and appreciation). The two options are:

Option 1

Recipients of an award log into an online recognition portal where they'll be able to select from a variety of activities, short breaks, entertainment and the latest in technology. The portal is administered by a third party on behalf of the University and we have an agreement with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) that the recipient won't be liable for tax or National Insurance on the value of the award.

Option 2

One-off payments, which are made through the University payroll and are subject to tax and National Insurance.

2. The Reward Scheme is currently being reviewed and will be relaunched in Autumn 2025.


Recommendations for awards under the Recognition Scheme and the Reward Scheme will be made by senior managers but, if you feel you have a case for any type of award, you can speak to your manager or your HR Manager.

If you have any queries, please contact your local Faculty/Service HR team

Note: Our Reward and Recognition policy is for employees on grades two to nine, as well as clinical academic staff who are below consultant level (with the exception of clinical academic doctors and dentists in training who are not eligible for ASIs and DIs). If you are a grade 10 member of staff, you should apply for an award through the annual professorial and senior staff salary review process.