Document Downloads

The following documents are available for download. Documents in PDF format can be read using Adobe Reader.

MS Word and Powerpoint documents can be read by using their respective applications or any alternatives.

Available downloads

Salary Scales

University of Leeds Single Pay Spine and Grading Structure

Salary scales - Grades 2 - 9 (PDF)

Size: 578.27 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 1 mins 26 secs)

Professorial salary scale (PDF)

Size: 161.4 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 24 secs)

Clinical salary scales (PDF)

Size: 122.45 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 18 secs)

Salary scale (18-19) (PDF)

Size: 20.38 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 3 secs)

Salary Scale Grades 2 - 9 (PDF)

Size: 578.27 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 1 mins 26 secs)

Salary Scale Grade 10 (PDF)

Size: 569.46 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 1 mins 24 secs)

Payroll details

Payroll bank and address details form

Payroll details form (MS Word) (DOCX)

Size: 35.11 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 6 secs)

Professorial and senior staff salary review

Professorial salary review process guidance (MS Word Document) (DOCX)

Size: 63.54 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 10 secs)

Professorial Form A (progression within zone or one-off payment) (MS Word Document) (DOCX)

Size: 43.38 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 7 secs)

Professorial Form B (zone increase) (MS Word Document) (DOCX)

Size: 46.51 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 7 secs)

Senior Staff form (DOCX)

Size: 39.33 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 6 secs)

Professorial Pay Scale (MS Word Document) (DOCX)

Size: 24.88 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 4 secs)

Professorial Zone Criteria (MS Word Document) (DOCX)

Size: 13.57 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 2 secs)

Reward and recognition

Documents associated with reward and recognition wef September 2016

Reward and recognition policy (PDF)

Size: 293.29 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 43 secs)

Recognition Awards Portal staff user guide (PDF)

Size: 263.29 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 39 secs)

One-off payment recommendation form (2021) (DOCX)

Size: 25.71 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 4 secs)

Reward recommendation form (DOCX)

Size: 34.26 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 6 secs)

Recognition Awards Portal manager user guide (PDF)

Size: 158.15 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 24 secs)

Salary Scales August 2021

Salary Scales August 2021 (PDF)

Size: 20.47 KB

Estimated download time: (56k = 3 secs)

Professorial Salary scales August 2021