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Results 151 to 180 of 258 for "benefits"

Pensions - PAS CARE benefits_Mar16

Additional VoluntaryContributions (AVCs). Increase the value of your benefits by making additionalpayments (see below). ... If youretire before age 65, benefits will be paid on a reduced basis, andyou will need agreement of the University.

Pensions - PAS CARE benefits_Mar16

Additional VoluntaryContributions (AVCs). Increase the value of your benefits by making additionalpayments (see below). ... If youretire before age 65, benefits will be paid on a reduced basis, andyou will need agreement of the University.

Pensions - PAS FS benefits_Dec15

The main benefits of the FS section of PAS are:. Employee contributionrate. ... Eligibility The scheme is open to existing members only. Benefits. You’ll receive 1/80 of your pensionable service x pensionablesalary plus a tax free lump sum of 3 x

Pensions - PAS FS benefits_Dec15

The main benefits of the FS section of PAS are:. Employee contributionrate. ... Eligibility The scheme is open to existing members only. Benefits. You’ll receive 1/80 of your pensionable service x pensionablesalary plus a tax free lump sum of 3 x

Pensions - State pension & NI changes FAQ_Feb16

Most defined benefit schemes offered in the HE sector are contracted-out of the Additional StatePension. ... 11. Will HE pension scheme benefits change to take into accountchanges in NI contributions?

Pensions_PAS_CARE_booklet_march 16-amending

17-18A peach of a benefit if you leaveLeaving the CARE sectionTransferring your benefits. ... How CARE works. You will also receive a benefit statement each year to confirm the value of the benefits you have built up.

Pensions_PAS_CARE_booklet_march 16-amending

17-18A peach of a benefit if you leaveLeaving the CARE sectionTransferring your benefits. ... How CARE works. You will also receive a benefit statement each year to confirm the value of the benefits you have built up.

People & Change Approach

How will the People & Change Approach benefit the University? The expected benefits of adopting the People & Change Approach are wide-ranging and will affect each individual member of staff differently. ... In time it may derive benefits in terms of

PGR terms and conditions of engagement_Jul13

You have no further entitlements to benefits, payments orany other arrangements provided or operated by the University of Leeds whether for staff, contractors,officers or otherwise.

Problem view ing? Click t o view online September ...

Public finance and public fund impacts.  EEA migrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits.

Promotions-from16 - Academic G10 AL guidance_Apr16

ALA3. You influence key parties to bring benefits to the University or yourprofession. ... Context/additional information:. Explain how your contributions have directly influenced key individuals and groupsexternally to benefit the university or your

Promotions-from16 - Academic G10 AL guidance_Apr16

ALA3. You influence key parties to bring benefits to the University or yourprofession. ... Context/additional information:. Explain how your contributions have directly influenced key individuals and groupsexternally to benefit the university or your

Promotions-from16 - Academic G8 R&I Criteria_feb16

Conducting an action researchproject relating to your ownteaching that is successfullydisseminated for wider benefit(eg. ... at the Student EducationConference). Revised January 2016. Successfully leading a “TeachingEnhancement Scheme” projectthat

Promotions-from16 - Academic G8 R&I Criteria_feb16

Conducting an action researchproject relating to your ownteaching that is successfullydisseminated for wider benefit(eg. ... at the Student EducationConference). Revised January 2016. Successfully leading a “TeachingEnhancement Scheme” projectthat

Promotions-from16 - benchmarks MaPS_feb16

Conducting an action researchproject relating to your ownteaching that is successfullydisseminated for wider benefit(eg. ... at the Student EducationConference). Revised January 2016. Successfully leading a “TeachingEnhancement Scheme” projectthat

Promotions-from16 - benchmarks Medicine & Health grade 10

E5. EnterpriseandKnowledgeTransfer. Analysed complex situations to identifynew opportunities for EKT activity,diagnosing issues, identifying gaps, risksand benefits, formulating solutions andfacilitating their implementation. ... E6.

Promotions-from16 - PandM g10 criteria_Aug16

Leading and developing high levelcollaborative work with otherorganisations, identifying and analysingrisks and benefits to the University andother parties to ensure strategicsustainability.