
There's no longer a specific age when the University will ask you to retire, but there are certain things you'll need to do if you're considering it.

The normal retirement age under the rules of USS, PAS and the DC Plan is 65, although you may continue to work at the University beyond this age. If you do decide to go on working, you’ll still pay pension contributions, the University will continue to pay employer contributions, and you’ll build up more benefits in the scheme until you do retire.

To get your pension benefits you:

  • must be over the age of 55;
  • can be any age if you've been granted an ill health retirement pension;
  • will need the approval of the University if you're in PAS and want to receive payment of your pension benefits before age 65.

USS and PAS: arranging for payment of your pension benefits

For both the USS and PAS schemes:

  • you need to leave the service of the University to access pension benefits;
  • you can ask for a retirement quote from the Pensions department before you make a final decision about your retirement date;
  • to retire you need to hand in your letter of resignation to your School/Service, giving the appropriate period of notice;
  • once you’ve decided what date you want to retire, you’ll need to let the Pensions department know and they’ll arrange for the payment of your benefits.

In addition, if you’re in the PAS scheme and you want to retire before you’re 65, you’ll need the University’s consent. Contact the Pensions department and they’ll make arrangements for the University to consider your retirement request; once it’s been agreed, you can decide what date you want to retire.

DC Plan: arranging for payment of your pension benefits

You can contact The People's Pension, who'll arrange for a quotation of benefits to be provided to you. You don’t have to leave the University to access these benefits, but you must be over age 55.

There’s more information on our DC Plan pages.

USS Flexible retirement

Under USS rules it is possible for you take a portion of your benefits as long as you also reduce the number of hours you work. You can take up to 80% of your benefits as long as you reduce your hours by at least 20%.

However, you need to have discussed the change in hours and had this agreed by your Head of School/Service before contacting USS about this, as it’s a change to your terms and conditions of employment and not an automatic right.

See the link below for more details about the flexible retirement benefits on the USS website.